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Love & Sex - A dialogue for parents and children...

...about the most important subject of our life. Love and Sex is what moves us the most in life.


Why is this issue still such a sensitive issue between parents and children?

This dialogue Workshop aims to create a new connection for parents and children in which they can talk about Sex in confidence...


This new space is intended to allow communication between parents and children about the most important issue in our lives: love.

More Info:

The aim of this workshop is to raise awareness of the so necessary conversations  about sexuality between parents and their children. The aim is also to establish deep trust, openness and vulnerability between both.


Even though parents often believe either their children are too young to have these conversations or they are protected of having any access to porn on internet.


Sadly, parents are often wrong on both points.


At age 7-8 they are already hit with curiosity to find out and they find their ways.

And through access to pornography on the Internet, our children and young people get a completely wrong picture of what love and sexuality is or can be.


The image thus obtained often creates a shocking sexual behavior in many adolescents in the desperate search for love. This often leads to frustrating love relationships or blockages, to open up emotionally.

Sex is still a taboo subject in our society. 99% of young people have no confidence in talking to their parents about this issue, as it is often taken up far too late - if at all - by their parents.


This workshops enables parents to become role models, supporting their children to an open, authentic and loving understanding of what love and sexuality means. Children who had parents talking with them about sexuality in ages between 7 to 10 are freer and more open to seek advice of their parents, even when they are older. They establish a deeper trust relationship with themselves, their parents and their future partner(s).

What stops you talking with your child about sex?


  • See calendar for dates below.

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Parents and Child
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