The Love Coach
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The Love Coach
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The experiment “I love you“
FREE For You!
The Experiment: I LOVE YOU is a free experiment worth to copy – Spreading Love!
You Gain:
- More presence
- More love and connection with yourself and with others
- Surprises!!! (Be conscious of what happens in you and with others – but stick to it first!! Don’t give up after the first time!!! The first time is tiring, I already warn you… but when you keep trying, MAGIC happens.)
- You are emanating and spreading love
- The next time you leave the house, look at everyone you encounter and think: “I love you”
- You don’t have to say it nor feel it, just think it
- Do it for at least 21 days
- And watch what happens
You will be surprised!
Read the (shortened) testimonial
One day I started this experiment and walked out the house thinking “I love you” with everyone I crossed. It became more challenging in the centre of town, where many people changed buses and trains. Nobody looked at me, but I loved them all. Until suddenly in the middle of the crowd: a big smile! A young man looked at me and he smiled.
I jumped on my train, more “I love you’s” to anyone who entered and left, to the ones outside the window at the stations. Nobody looked at me. It is said that Universe sends you a sign when one starts to doubt one’s own actions. As if Universe has noticed my doubts, the same young man, who looked earlier at me at the crossing in town, suddenly was right in front of me, looked me deeply into the eyes and said: “Whatever you do, keep doing it!” It gave me goose bumps.
Once I reached my job, a little shop, I had to tell my colleague and we decided to continue together the whole day.
What happened next is only to be described with INCREDIBLE: clients stayed in the shop after paying with words like” I got everything, but it is so nice here, I don’t want to leave” and even difficult clients who come lot, were suddenly friendly and happy.
The most fantastic reaction was in children: they starred at me like I was from a different planet, and did not want to leave. A father with his child on his shoulders came back in and said: “He begged me to come back in and I could not convince him otherwise” and only after the child and I looked each other into our eyes, he was satisfied and ready to leave. I was touched deeply.
This day was opening up something for me, for ever and ever. Gifting someone with love has an incredible power.
Imagine that ALL humans would do this once a day, or even only 100 or 1000 humans: what would happen to our earth?
~ Katja Tomzig
I am an AC (Association of Coaching, UK) accredited Love - Coach.
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